I'm Jonathan

Current assignment: Volvo Cars

What I do

I make amazingstaggeringastonishingflabbergastingdazzlingsurprisingwonderfulunbelievableprodigiusstunningfascinatingmarvelousincredible applications

Developing applications the way you want it.

With experience in both front- & backend development I am more than happy to help you create your dream application. Whether it is a static or a dynamic webapp.

I will most likely develop your application in React, maybe even with a framework like Next.js. If you also need a backend I can asure you nothing will go wrong with Node combined with Express and MongoDB (MERN FTW).

Is the above text just gibberish for you? Don't panic - I make applications using some of the most used programming languages in the market which makes your application high-end and top modern.

Tools I’ve worked with
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • SQL
  • PHP/Symfony
  • WordPress
  • PIM
  • Pimcore
  • WooCommerce
  • Sass
  • Redux
  • Styled components
  • Material UI
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Passport
and many more...


C Land
C Landopen in new tab icon

C Land was built in Next.js with headless WordPress for a extremely fast site but still keeping the simplicity of WordPress for content management.

Charles Dickens
Charles Dickensopen in new tab icon

Custom made ticket purchase system with WooCommerce that generates a QR-code that is sent with the confirmation mail. The client then has a custom made app to scan these QR-codes via REST to see if it`s paid or not at the entrance

Taigaopen in new tab icon

A full blown e-commerce with Pimcore as PIM. Very advanced logics with multiple sites and authentication to get specific price logics depending on who you are as a user and what price list you have. Integration to their ERP for a fully automated process


I built a backlog indicator for this service-based company. A service providing a lot of leads to keep track of and this system made it easy for the employees to keep track of what leads are close to their SLA


A CRM built for a outsourcing company that has multple websites that generates leads for cleaning and moving services. Custom made calendar and different view depending on verticals etc.

React.jsNode.jsGoogle Cloud ConsoleMongoDBExpress.js

Another service company that provides tech support. Doing all route planning in an excel sheet can only take you so far, so I made a route booking application where it automatically calculates the driving time between addresses and takes into account how long an assignment takes.

Toolflexopen in new tab icon

A basic yet complicated e-commerce site built with WooCommerce and a custom made theme and as the react nerd I am I couldnt help myself not to implement some kind of react into this website. In this case it was the Find a retailer-page.

Gäsene Mejeri
Gäsene Mejeriopen in new tab icon

Completely custom made ecommerce site built with Pimcore and a integration to Klarnas checkout API. Gäsene sells cheese and if you are not sure what cheese you need to buy there is a cheese selector to make the decisions for you :)

with more...

About me

a picture of jonathan elmgren

!false (its funny cuz its true)

I am a developer with both frontend and backend experience. I am self taught and have a big passion for coding. My coding experience started in my early teenage years when I downloaded Visual Basic.NET and started my .NET journey. After watching youtube tutorials on how to build a calculator I stumbled across webdevelopment courses. This was in 2013 and I have been hooked since but it was not until 2018 I actually found my self confident and brave enough to start my company and apply for projects.

I am a 28 year old dude that loves pizza and dad jokes a little too much for my wifes liking. We live in a house in literally nowhere with our cat Baltazar. I work solely remote

Pro • gram • mer

/ˈprəʊɡræmər/ NOUN
  1. an organism that converts caffeine into code
  2. someone who solves the problem that you didn't know you had in a way you don't understand

